Jews worldwide sing the Jewish song “Acheinu.” But we often don’t connect or think about the meaning of it. And now, it feels so relevant.
The Jewish Song “Acheinu”
The Jewish song Acheinu is often sung at the end of Jewish gatherings as well as other times. It is a prayer. And many Jews throughout the world know this song well. The tune that is commonly sung, and the one in this video, was composed by famous Jewish musician Abie Rotenberg.
But in the past, although Jews would sing it and try to concentrate, it maybe didn’t feel so relevant. Sadly, Hamas has taken Jews captives before, although it was never on such a large scale. And now, it’s our painful reality. Our brothers and sisters are being held hostage. We are begging G-d to have mercy on them and take them out of their captivity. We are begging Him to save them.
When you listen to this song sung by Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel here, and when you watch the imagery in this video, it is so powerful. It’s impossible to not feel the words. It’s impossible to not feel the meaning and the relevance of them for this time in Jewish history. We can now relate so much to these words that you would think this song was just written after October 7. But it wasn’t.
May G-d listen to our cries and prayers to return our captives in health. May we no longer have to feel the pain of what this song really means.