The IDF is the most important expression of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel today.
For generations, the Jewish people fought with the only weapons they had – passports. Kicked out forcibly from one country after another, the Jewish people became known as a wandering people.
Today, Jews in their homeland no longer wander. They are home, and Jewish (and non-Jewish) soldiers guard the Land.
The Israel Defense Forces sprung up from 3 separate pre-State of Israel militias – the Haganah, the Irgun, and the Stern Group.
However, they all unified after the founding of the State of Israel. Today, the IDF serves as one of the most unifying aspects of the State of Israel.
Israel’s Air Force is known for being one of the most battle-tested and brave air forces in the world.
Israel’s tank and armor battalions have fought numerous wars and battles in impossible situations and have come out victorious.
But the majority of Israel’s foot soldiers handle more difficult day-in, day-out small flame battles with terrorists planning attacks.
Many operations do not reach the headlines. However, these soldiers are certainly serving the State of Israel on its front-lines 24/7 every day of the year.