Dr. Phil Gave the World a Slap in the Face For its Views on Hamas vs. Israel

by Leah Rosenberg

Dr. Phil did not say anything here that should shock any moral person. He knows evil when he sees it, and so should the rest of the world.

Dr. Phil Berates College Campuses for Immoral Compass

Will people who need to see this video from Dr. Phil actually see this video? It is absolutely mind-blowing, to say the least, that anyone can be against Israel here. Israeli men, women, children, babies, and elderly were slaughtered on October 7. Over 1,400 innocent Jews were tortured and murdered in the most brutal ways. Thousands injured. Hundreds kidnapped. And an entire nation crying in pain.

And then you see colleges – some of the most elite ones – filled with people supporting these horrific and gruesome acts? You see students who are supposed to be “intelligent” supporting the beheading of babies! Where are their morals? There is no room to have an “opinion” here on which side is right and which side is wrong. This is not a game. This is a matter of good vs. evil. Israel is good, and Hamas is evil.

It’s terrifying that so-called civilized people can hate Jews and Israel so much that they turn a blind eye to the mass slaughter of innocent Jews. It’s horrifying that they can march in support of a terror group that murders little babies and kidnaps children.

The people on these campuses are the next generation. They support pure evil. They have no morals. It’s shocking beyond words. Let’s pray that we can wake these people up and that they find their moral compass once again. Because the alternative is too painful to think about.

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