The Unexpected Settler Shepherdess Who is Saving Israel’s Judean Hills

by Leah Rosenberg

Israel’s Judean Hills belong to the Jewish people. But without people like Liora, the Arabs would steal more Jewish land.

A Shepherdess in the Judean Hills

You do not meet people like Liora often. She is unique, to say the least. As a shepherdess in the Judean Hills, Liora guards her land and animals with all of her heart and soul. She has the mental strength to protect what she knows the Arabs are trying to take from her and from the Jewish people.

This interview is eye-opening. Much of the world is misinformed about the pioneering settlers in Judea and Samaria. They have no idea who they are or what they are. The world has no idea what they stand for and what they believe in. These Jews just want to protect their land – the land of the Jewish nation. Liora is not violent. Yes, she is forced to have a gun to protect her land and possessions. But she is peaceful and has no intention to harm Arabs if they act peacefully toward her. The world should learn the facts and stop believing all the lies against the one and only Jewish state.

One day, people will wake up and will see the truth about the Jewish people and Judea and Samaria. They will realize that Jews always have belonged and will continue to live in the Judean Hills. They will listen to G-d’s word and the Bible.

But until then, brave people like Liora will continue to defend the land of Israel with every ounce of their being. And we must support them.

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