This “Son of Hamas” Interview at Columbia is Enraging Hamas

by Phil Schneider

The “son of Hamas” is indeed a traitor. He has betrayed the ways of his parents. He has rejected his role in this world as yet another link in the chain of generations who fight against the Jewish people. He has left the fold and chosen a different path. 

This young man is extremely brave. He grew up in the midst of all of the terrorism that emanated from Mosques and homes in Ramallah. He was not a mere fly on the wall. He was in the room, watching, breathing, and learning why the Jewish people are vermin that ought to be destroyed. He heard all of the promises that every young Arab man received of an everlasting life of bliss as reward for becoming a Shahid – one who is killed fighting for Allah.

And he gave it all up. Why? He wanted to live. He wanted to be part of what is good, what is true, and what is not evil. Most of all, he looked at his own family and wanted to have no part of their life. He gave up a life of evil, and chose a way that would specifically eradicate the evil from his life. He may seem alone, but he is not. He is part of a movement of people who have chosen to throw away evil and embrace truth and freedom. He may not have a home he can return to. But he is alive, free, and educating millions.  

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