The Elections are not over yet – 84 Electors Still Being Contested

by Avi Abelow

Just a reminder to everyone that with regards to the Presidential election, the only date in the Constitution is Jan. 20th when a new President is inaugurated. Until that day, the elections are still contested and not over. So, don’t ask me if I admit that Biden is President unless he is inaugurated as President on Jan. 20th.

The media will make the whole world think that today it is “all over” with the state Governors of the contested states selecting their State electors for Joe Biden, giving him more than the necessary 270.

However, remember, the media also tried to make us think it was “all” over when they decided it was over on election night.

Then the media made us all think it was “all” over after lower court cases were being denied.

Then the media made us think it was “all” over after the Supreme Court denied to hear the Texas case.

Do you see a pattern? At each step, even while President Trump still has constitutional ways to contest the election results, the media tries to make us all think that it is “all” over.

All along, the media ignores all the evidence of irregularities and alleged voter fraud, automatically calling it fake news, not making any effort to do any investigative journalism on their own to find out if there is any merit to the claims and allegations.

Well, the President still has ways to contest the election results and he has until Jan. 20th. Will it be Biden? Maybe. Will it be Trump? Maybe. It’s not over until it is over.

How can I, or anyone else “believe that President Trump can still win the elections?” you ask. We will wait and see.

In the meantime, more alleged fraud is being revealed, more court cases are being filed and each contested state is also choosing electors to send to Congress and vote for Trump on Jan. 6th, for the Congressional counting. Why? Because it preserves Trump’s right to remedy alleged fraud with his own electors, if necessary.

With 7 states (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, NM) now having dueling electors here is how the election currently looks.

Donald J Trump – 232 electors

Joe Biden – 222 electors

Contested electors – 84

What will happen, I do not know. But it is not over until it is over on Jan. 20th, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And that is the only thing that everyone needs to know.

In the meantime, keep the faith, not in any man, but in the one above 🙂

Chanukah Sameach!

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