The Left used the Colorado shooting to push their “race” agenda

by Leah Rosenberg

After the recent Colorado shooting, the Left played their race game, once again. In doing so, they dishonored the victims and their families.

The Tragedy of the Colorado Shooting

The Colorado shooting that took place just a few days ago was a complete tragedy. 10 innocent lives were cut short while they were at the supermarket. Families lost their loved ones. It was a terrible massacre.

And what did the Left do? They politicized it. They played their favorite game – the race game. Except it wasn’t a White man who carried out the attack, as they originally had thought. So they had to change their entire story of lies. They somehow still attacked White men despite the fact that it was a Muslim who shot 10 people dead in cold blood. Listening to how the Left described the shooting was truly sickening.

The Left used a massacre to play politics. They clearly did not care about the victims at all, and that is terribly sad. They managed to dishonor all the victims of a mass shooting. How dare they?

Tucker Carlson revealed the truth about the Left and how radical and foolish they have really become. And it should frighten every American.

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