Some of the most powerful words you’ll hear this Holocaust Remembrance Day

by Leah Rosenberg

Ron Dermer, who currently serves at the Israeli Ambassador to the United States. Said some powerful words about Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Yom Hashoah

On the 27th Nissan, every year Israel remembers over 6 million souls that perished, lives that were so tragically cut short, this is Holocaust Remembrance Day. The first official Holocaust Day took place in 1951, in 1959 the observance of the day was anchored by a law passed in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament.

This day we remember with a 2-minute silence, Israel stands still, cars stop on the streets, workers stop. For two whole minutes, the country stands still. We stand together to remember. We will never forget.

Many of Jews living today had a relative, whether a grandparent, a great grandparent or an aunt or uncle who perished in the Holocaust, in other words, everyone knows someone. This is a day for grief, to also remember those who did not have a family as their lives were cut short. A day to remember what was lost.

Yom HaShoah is commemorated in places not only in Israel but all over the World, in community centers, schools, and Synagogues. In a time where the world might need reminding, in a time where antisemitism is on the rise, in a time where the world needs to be reminded, we take the day and remember.

March Of The Living

The March of the Living is an educational program that brings youth from around the World to Poland. The program was established in 1988 and takes place annually around April/May, exactly when Holocaust Remembrance Day falls. They see the horrors of the Holocaust, they see what Nazi Germany did the Jewish People, they remember.

March of the Living is designed to contrast with the death marches, that took place all those years ago. When the Nazis were walking the Jews to their death in the Concentration Camps. The March serves to illustrate the continued existence of the Jewish People, despite the Nazis attempt to destroy them.

The Jewish People have lived through centuries, and much suffering. The Jews have outlived the Babylonians, the Romans, the Greeks, and the Nazis. The Jewish People are here to stay, we have outlived our enemies and we will continue to outlive them and prosper.

#wewillneverforget #wewillremember #HolocaustRemembranceDay

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