IDF Kills Terrorist in Hebron Stopping Terror Attack

by Avi Abelow

Today, the IDF stopped a terror attack in Hebron.  When the IDF kills a terrorist who tries to kill, it is a good thing.  The terrorist attempted to stab the IDF soldier, but the soldier reacted quickly and killed the terrorist.

Terror Attack

The terrorist’s name was Muammar al-Atrash. He approached an IDF soldier in the city of Hevron with a pair of scissors to stab him.  A few other alert IDF soldiers saw what was going on and opened fire.  They killed the terrorist before he was able to cause serious damage. The IDF soldier did have light wounds from the terrorist and needed to go to the hospital for treatment.

A ZAKA first responder said that “when I arrived at the scene, I saw the terrorist lying in the middle of the road.  Next to him was a sharp object after he tried to stab civilians and was neutralized by the soldiers. A young man who was lightly injured by the terrorist was treated at the scene.  Then, he was taken to the hospital. There are no further casualties. ZAKA volunteers from the Shai region are taking care of the scene.”

The IDF stated: “An assailant attempted to stab a soldier adjacent to the Cave of the Patriarchs, lightly injuring him. The soldier and other forces at the scene, responded with live fire.”

The Truth about Hebron

While the world media calls Hebron an “occupied” city, this is a real stretch.  It is difficult to call the Jewish state of Israel occupiers of one of the holiest cities to the Jewish people. Before King David built Jerusalem into the main capital of the first Jewish Kingdom, he first established Hebron as the capital of the first Jewish Kingdom.

For truth about the situation in Hebron today, you have to watch the following MUST SEE video.  You won’t see this in the mainstream media.

Israel to Build New Jewish Homes In Hebron After 16 Years

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