The Israeli government today announced the decision to build 31 new housing units in the ancient Jewish city of Hebron. This is huge news for Israel and the Jewish people. The last time the Government of Israel built homes for Jews in Hebron was in 2002. Hebron was established as the first capital of the Jewish people by King David. The Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Jewish people, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah and Rebecca are all buried there. Yet, the world says that it is a Muslim city and that Israel is occupying it. How can we be occupying our own holy city where our ancestors are buried? Here is the real reality of Hebron today.
Jewish Housing
The Jewish community of Hebron has been waiting for new housing for years. The last time the Jewish community of Hebron received building permits was =in 2002.
The community really started to apply pressure following the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) decision that labeled the Tomb of the Patriarchs an endangered “Palestinian” world heritage site. The community called upon the government to stop the freeze on Jewish building in Hebron and increase Israel’s presence there.
In response to the news, Yishai Fleisher, international spokesman for the Hebron Jewish community, tweeted praising the government’s decision. “The Jewish community of Hebron thanks the Government of Israel for its determined decision to build, in a joint effort, the City of the Patriarchs of the Jewish people, as a victorious answer to all deniers of Jewish history. We deeply thank all the ministers who helped make this important decision happen,” he said.
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman also praised the decision in a tweet. “A new Jewish neighborhood in Hebron for the first time in 20 years! Instead of a military camp we will establish a new neighborhood,” he tweeted. “I thank the Prime Minister and the cabinet ministers who signed up for the approval of the Hezekiah Quarter Plan, which I have formulated.”
“This is yet another important milestone in the extensive activity we are leading to strengthening settlement in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank].”
Where will the New Homes Be Built?
These new housing units will be in the “Hezekiah Quarter,” named after Rabbi Chaim Hezekiah Medini, a Torah legend who lived in the city. Six families currently live in the area in caravan-style trailers near the Shavei Hebron Yeshiva and an Israeli army base called Plugat Hamitkanim.
They will be built on Shuhada Street, once a bustling shopping street leading to a holy site where the biblical Abraham is believed to have been buried. Countless of terror attacks took place on that street which is why the IDF closed it off to Arabs. While this is one street they are forbidden on for security reasons, Arabs are allowed in 90% of the city, while Jews are only allowed in a very small percentage of our holy city (watch the video below for the full details).