The UN General Assembly has been on a roll lately. Resolution after resolution has targeted Israel as if it is a violent and lawless regime.
The UN focused some of its energy on attacking Israel for “occupying” the Golan Heights – perhaps the most strategic piece of Land in the Levant. He who controls the Golan, controls everything. We see this as a reality nowadays. After all, Iran is deeply embedded in Syria and Hezbollah uses Syria to gain advanced weaponry from Iran.
The UN resolution essentially demanded that Israel withdraw every Jew from the Golan Heights. Not only that, the UN lambasted Israel for giving the Druze in the Golan citizenship.
With all of its anger against Israel for being in the Golan, not one resolution was made against the Assad regime. The Syrian president has butchered tens of thousands of his own citizens and yet nothing.
The good news is, Israel isn’t listening to the UN. The government is planning on expanding the population there.