Update from Israel! The good news first!!!
Israeli PM Bennett is under tremendous pressure. The child vaxx campaign is failing, he admitted it himself at Thursday’s cabinet meeting. This is huge, great news, meaning that most Israeli parents are not falling for the government/medical establishment/media lies that their kids need the shot. Most Israeli parents know that the virus hardly effects the kids, and that if the shot works then kids don’t have to take an unnecessary, and potentially heart-damaging shot, to protect grandma! B”H!!!
However, things are going to get a lot worse (just look at Austria and Germany) before they get better.
Imagine the new regulations they will institute to pressure the whole population to get vaxxed including the kids.
Just tonight the government is pushing through new discriminatory regulations that would forbid vaxx-free people from entering stores in malls (excluding only pharmacies and grocery stores). And this is only the first step in the discriminating war on the vaxxed-free and those vaxxed who are not returning for the consecutive shots (Did you know that close to 500,000 Israelis did not return for the 2nd shot and close to an additional 1.5 million people did not return for the third shot?) The Israeli authorities are scared. They must force the population to get the shot, for whatever non-medical reason.
But this is all good. People are waking up. Over 2 million people in Israel (including those who did not even get the first shot) are against the shot-solution and against the growing coercion and discrimination. Most of the people are silent but they are waking up.
Everyone can do whatever they believe is the right thing to do for their personal medical situation, and we all must live and respect one another, regardless of our decisions. But don’t let this tyrannical, discriminating government policy divide us. It’s up to us!!!
Hold on to your emunah everyone. We will get out of this, be’ezrat hashem, with the help from the one above.
As I said, things will be better. We will just experience worse times first before they get better.
Make this a great week everyone!!!!!
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