Thanks to the freedom of information act in Israel, Israel’s Ministry of Health was forced to provide the medical data that necessitates mask-wearing.
The following 3-page Hebrew document, and 5-page English document, are the MInistry of Health’s response. I highly advise everyone to read the whole thing before they continue to blindly follow rules thinking there is science backing up all the decisions from the medical establishment.
Ironically, in the document, the MOH does not provide any medical data to back up the regulation to wear masks. Instead, they admit that the mask rule is for educational/psychological purposes, not medical ones. They even state that some people can be more damaged than helped by wearing a mask. An interesting point, since we are never told that, and instead people feel virtuous in automatically shaming everyone they see who do not wear masks for health reasons.
This document should be bombshell news on all news stations, instead crickets.
Stay sane and healthy and may we be blessed to quickly return to people being kind regardless of their personal medical decisions. Looking forward to a world where more people return to using their critical thinking and common sense and stop complying with tyrannical government rules that make no sense.