As Iran draws closer to nuclear breakout, Israel is quickly finding itself all alone on taking proactive measures to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Biden’s team may see Iran as a problem, but not an existential threat the way Israel sees it. After all, a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine is far more destabilizing than the Ayatollahs. Then when you add the China threat into the mix, Israel’s needs are far less of a priority.
With this in mind, Israel Defense Minister, Benny Gantz flew to Washington to essentially beg the USA to step in and militarily or through sanctions stop Iran from acquiring a bomb. The problem for Gantz is that while begging may work on the street, in the world fo Geopolitics, even allies like strength in their partners.
This was the approach that former Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu took. He understood what made Israel respected was strength. When i came to Iran he always put forth a credible threat option, which forced the USA to back up the Jewish State.
The Bennet government’s weakness on all fronts is showing through everything and unfortunately at an extremely dangerous time.