Did you know about Trump’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom and his support for Tommy Robinson?

by Brian of London

Did you know that the US has an Ambassador-at-large for International Freedom? They do, and Donald Trump appointed Sam Brownback, a former Governor of Kansas to that role earlier this year. Not only that, he’s warning the UK Government to treat Tommy Robinson fairly.

US Intervention

His name cropped up this weekend in a bombshell report from Reuters because of a claim that Ambassador Brownback has intervened on behalf of jailed journalist and activist, Tommy Robinson.

LONDON (Reuters)

Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, complained to the British ambassador in Washington D.C. about the treatment of an English right-wing activist. He is in jail for disrupting a trial, according to three sources familiar with the discussion.

Brownback raised the case of the activist known as Tommy Robinson. This was in a June meeting with Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the United States. According to a British official and two sources close to the organizers of a pro-Robinson demonstration planned for London on Saturday.

Religious Freedom

But this is the paragraph that is absolutely unbelievable:
Reuters was unable to determine why the top U.S. official responsible for defending religious freedom would try to intervene with the British government on behalf of an activist who has expressed anti-Islamic views.

Religious freedom is also freedom FROM religion.   Especially a coercive, political movement that hides in plain sight as a religion! Reuters and the largely atheist left refuse to see this.

You can see all of this in full as I go over the whole Reuters piece in the video above.

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