Why I’m Vocal about Potential Voter Fraud in the US Elections

by Avi Abelow

Some people think the reason I’m so vocal about the potential voter fraud is because I can’t accept a Trump defeat. No, that is not it at all. This is way bigger than Trump.

I have repeated this point over and over, but some people still prefer to ignore it. This is about how an agenda-driven media and social media establishment, in the USA and Israel, create perceived realities, bullies anyone who disagrees with their narrative and is not only forcing a different narrative upon us but takes away or shames us for voicing different info/opinions, basically taking away people’s freedom of thought and speech in an “enlightened” way.

Let’s just go through some of the instances, and this is just a sample…

1. The media establishment denies the historic connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel – yet, the Jews are the only existing people today with a 3,000 year connection to the land of Israel.

2. The media establishment speaks about a historic people called palestinians who have an inherent right to their homeland – totally false. Some Arabs have lived here for hundreds of years, but a majority of them came at the beginning of the 20th century for jobs helping the Jews build up their homeland

3. They call President Trump a racist – he isn’t. A historic amount of minorities and blacks voted for him in the elections knowing that’s not true

4. They call Trump an antisemite or supporter of white supremacists – he isn’t. He has Jewish children and grandchildren, he issued an Executive Order to fight Antisemitism on US college campuses and he has been the best President ever with Israel, responsible for so many things, including bringing in a new era of alliances between Israel and Arab Muslim countries.

5. In Israel, the media establishment ignores the multiple cases of conflict of interest of justice officials – unfortunately, there are plenty that question their true moral integrity as justice officials.

6. In Israel, they are silent about allegedly illegal methods used by police and justice officials to get evidence for cases, including the cases against PM Bibi Netanyahu – unfortunately, here too there are plenty, that question the cases they have put together, including the cases against Netanyahu.

7. In Israel, they are silent about the fact that right-wing Professors must hide their political views in order to get tenure at Universities – this is an absolute disgrace for the University system and the Professors that run them.

8. In Israel, they are silent about the multiple cases where University students are given bad grades by Professors for writing papers based on their right-wing views – again, the suppression, and punishment, of free-thought in a University system.

9. In Israel, they are silent about the crusade against right-wing/religious people receiving top government or army positions, like the recent crusade to stop former IDF General Effi Eitam from being appointed Director of Yad Vashem.

10. All over the world, they are silent about the connection between radical Islam and the global terror perpetrated by Muslims, harming all of our citizens, mainly Muslims!

In Israel, they are silent about the 20+ year witch-hunt of legal cases against PM Netanyahu that has abused millions of taxpayer money to try to get rid of him.

In all of these cases, the public perception created by the media establishment for the masses to believe is that Trump is a racist, antisemite, baby who only wants power, that Netanyahu is a criminal, that every crusade against right-wing/religious people in Israel is justified, that the left’s total control of Universities is totally fine etc.

This is why I’m so vocal! People believe this agenda-driven media because that is what we are being fed for decades. And now it’s gotten even worse with them now calling out “fake news” for all pieces of information that flop against their agenda-driven narrative, and even shutting down people’s voices.

Everyone should have a right to their opinion. Nobody should be bullied, consciously or subconsciously, into accepting an agenda-driven reality that does not reflect reality.

So, no, I don’t believe the media establishment that is labeling any and all alleged voter fraud as “fake news”. And, yes, we must let the legal system play itself out to reveal the truth about the multitude of irregularities and fraud in the elections.

Again, this is way much bigger than who wins the election.

However, the only way any of the above will change is if massive voter fraud is revealed, exposing the agenda-driven media and social media establishment, and that Trump wins the election. If Biden remains President, then the big brother media and social media establishment will just get worse, much worse.

I want a better future for all of us, where we can all live and speak freely, and receive actual reporting by the media, regardless of right, left, religious, not-religious etc. But that will only happen if Trump wins.

This is why I’m so vocal. For the benefit of all humanity, not just Trump voters, for all Americans, for all Israelis, for all freedom-loving citizens of all democratic societies where this agenda-driven media/social media is creating perceived realities. It affects all of us.

Unfortunately, too many of us are still in denial because we are so influenced by the messages we receive daily from the agenda-driven media and social media establishment.

Let’s make this a good week everyone, of speaking the truth and not being bullied to shut up 🙂

Shavua Tov!

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