What you should know about Israel before you choose to hate it

by Leah Rosenberg

There is much to know about Israel before one takes sides as to being pro-Israel or anti-Israel.  The message of this video is simple – First get to know – then decide.  

Experience Israel

The richness of the State of Israel is something that so many tourists experience – even on a short trip.  Is it the rich religious culture or the ancient history that fascinates so many?  Or is it the warmth of the people after one gets through the rough exterior?  It must be a little bit of everything.  But, there must be something beyond all of the above.  Perhaps it is the emotions that people feel when they are here.  They feel connected.  They feel connected to the Jewish nation.  Not only Jews, but all tourists.  But more than that, they feel connected to God.  To eternity.  Try to display that in a video.  It is very hard.  But it is a real emotion.

Israel is a Country of Love

It is a catchy phrase: “Before you hate me, Get to know me.”  It is true that many people today already hate Israel before they have gotten to know her.

There is so much to love about Israel, and nearly everyone who visits with an open mind finds out that almost all of their prior stereotypes about Israel were wrong.

People in Israel are people who love their families.  They love their nation, and they even love tourists.  But, Israel is also like one big extended family.  And in families, brothers and sisters often bicker.  So too in Israel – there is alot of bickering going on.

But beneath the outer facade, just like the Sabra, Israeli people are sweet and tasty on the inside.


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