There are moments where one person’s statement changes the world. The entire process that we the Jewish people have been over the last 100 to 150 years, known as the process of redemption involves world leaders making statements enabling seismic shifts enabling the Jewish people to not only return home but to expand their hold over our ancient homeland.
In 1917 it was the Balfour Declaration by Great Britain and in 1948 it was Harry Truman and now the most impactful statement regarding the Middle East since the creation of the modern State of Israel was last night’s statement from President Trump, essentially upending 77 years of failed foreign policy in the Middle East as well undermining the Arab narrative regarding the fake “palestinian” people.
Trump announced the following: “The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we’ll own it, and be responsible for dismantling all the dangerous and unexploded bombs and other weapons, and get rid of the destroyed buildings, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area.”
Trump continued: ”I think that Gaza is a demolition site right now. If you look at Gaza, there’s hardly a building standing and the ones that are, are going to collapse. I think we need another location that’s going to make people happy. If we can get a beautiful area to resettle people, permanently, in nice homes, where they can be happy and not be killed, like what’s happening in Gaza…the whole thing is a mess, and I think that if we can resettle…Gaza’s not a place for people to be living, and the only reason they want to go back is that they don’t have an alternative.”
RELATED ARTICLE: Is This Trump’s Big Solution For Gaza?
The world is in shock, rightly so. President Trump essentially unmasked the lies that have been spewed for over a hundred year. There are no “palestinians.” He knows that. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and others are stunned. They assumed they had bought off Witkoff and their business deals with Trump would be enough, but Trump spun it on them and both the Saudis and Qataris are holding an empty bag.
RELATED ARTICLE: Qatar Uses Witkoff To Force Israel Into A Disastrous Deal
The real question is how will this happen? How will the US move 1.7 million Gazans out and convince Hamas to drop its arms peacefully? And didn’t President Trump declare no new foreign wars at least no ones the US will be involved with?
It is not clear how the US plans on moving that many people out, but the fact there are a growing number of Egyptian tanks in the Sinai shows that President El-Sisi is either planning on attacking to prevent the Gazans from coming in or the tanks and soldiers are there to escort Gazans elsewhere. Right now Gaza is not owned by anyone.
There is no “palestine” and Israel has not annexed it. In a sense the USA can simply with Israel’s permission declare the Gaza Strip a US territory – like Guam or Puerto Rico. Israel would just have to work out the details and that would be it. Like any piece of real estate, the Gazans would be squatting on US land and then the US would have the authority to move them out.
More likely, Bibi and Trump figured out that it was time to end the previous chess game that Qatar and the Biden administration had set up and instead start their own. Phase two of the deal requires Israel to leave the Gaza Strip and discuss the day after in exchange for the hostages – it never said who comes in. Now Hamas and Qatar are stuck and without the moves needed to get out of it. If Hamas does not hand over the hostages, they are in violation and as Trump said at the same press conference – “We will get violent.”
The IDF will then be authorized to go back in and finish off Hamas and Islamic Jihad and perhaps the Egyptian Army that has moved close to Israel’s border. After that, the clean up and rebuilding could take decades – either way, the Gaza – Israel conflict will finally be over for good.
Will the US take hold of Gaza permanently? Perhaps, and if so, the US will get a permanent Mediterranean and Middle East base considered actually US territory similar to Okinawa after WW2. This will stabilize the region and allow Trump to pull troops from Iraq and Syria.
We are living in miraculous and Biblical times that are unfolding at a fast pace. The Arabs may not play ball and usual will miss an opportunity to change the world for the better. Given their track record, it can be assumed that Israel will expand bringing the Middle East and the world to a new stage.