Jen Psaki deserves the award for the best actress this year. She has constantly put on a great show to cover up what has been an unbelievably ineffective and negative first year of Presidency.
But it has not been ineffective simply due to Joe Biden’s health challenges. It has been ineffective and negative due to policy decisions that have been super-radical and divisive. America is in a rut due to massively rising inflation and a tremendous pessimism about our foreign policy situation. And all of this happened in just one year.
Americans – whether they lean Republican or Democrat – are more unified about one issue than any other – the economy. Following George H. Bush’s successful invasion of Iraq in the Persian Gulf War, his approval ratings were sky high. It was the first time that America had formally involved itself in combat on a massive level since Vietnam. And America won – big time. But, within less than a year later, the economy tanked and Americans were unhappy with George H. Bush and open to new directions.
That is when Bill Clinton entered the picture. One can argue that Bill Clinton would not have won had Ross Perot not entered the fray as a third party candidate. However, it is clear that the economy was a paramount issue that both catapulted Ross Perot and Bill Clinton into the limelight and insured that George H. Bush would be a one-term President. If the economy continues to falter in 2022, Congress will see a massive swing to the right in the midterm elections. And then the Democrats will not be able to pass any legislation to their liking. The pendulum is looking like it will swing very strongly to the right unless the Democrats start to get a handle on the situation.