The Israel Story that Every News Outlet Should be Covering

by Leah Rosenberg

If the media cared to cover the truth, they would cover this Israel story. Do they want to know about the Palestinian Arabs? Watch this.

The Israel Story the World Should Know About

Media coverage on Israel is usually filled with lies. It usually paints Israel as an aggressor. News outlets lie when terrorists attack Jews and twist the story to make it Israel’s fault. The media always blames Israel for every problem of the Arabs. But this Israel story shows the truth.

It shows how Palestinian Arabs have opportunities in Israel – if they choose to respect the Jewish state. Many are brainwashed and try to destroy Israel. But this Palestinian Arab doctor is the perfect example of what can happen if only the Palestinian Arabs stopped trying to kill Jews.

Coexistence is possible – but it is up to the Arabs. The Jews clearly accept those who want to live peacefully. Otherwise, a Palestinian Arab doctor would never be allowed to work in an Israeli hospital. And not just one – but many. Palestinian Arabs, Israelis, Christians – they all work side by side at Israeli hospitals. And the patients are not only Jewish, either. They are of all different religions.

Maybe if people saw more videos like this one, they would see the truth about Israel. They would see how Israel is a democracy that accepts people of all religions and faiths. There are so many lies about the Jewish state, and people need to see what really happens in that tiny strip of land in the Middle East.

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