Trump says he’ll become Israeli PM if he gets impeached

by Avi Abelow

President Donald Trump does it again! Announcing that if he is in fact impeached he will run and become Israeli PM.


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President Trump when speaking at an event with Orthodox Jewish leaders said the following:

“We work hard on Israel. I think I have an approval rating of about 98%. If anything happened here I would take a trip over to Israel and I would be Prime Minister. What kind of system is it over there with Bibi. They’re fight and fighting. We have different kinds of fights. At least we know who the boss is. We keep trying to do things and they keep having elections and no one is elected.”

President Trump has been the most popular President in Israel as he has stood behind Israel, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, recognized the Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory, and declared the communities in Judea and Samaria to be legal.

The challenge now is that without an official government in Israel, the President and his team won’t release the long awaited US Deal of the Century that has been rumored to be very good for Israel.

“There are a lot of things happening over there that aren’t very good. I gave you the embassy. I had .a lot of pressure not to do it. I got a call from every part of the world.

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