Beach-side communities in Gaza? Not only is it not a pipe dream. It’s exactly what Israel had before deciding to do a masochistic suicidal decision to give away Gaza and basically create a terrorist state on its southwest corner.
What is Israel planning on doing when the dust settles, and Israel’s Army has largely destroyed most of Hamas’ weapons and brought back the hostages? The odds are that Israel has several options in their drawers. that are all in the realm of keeping a more limited or more significant military presence in Gaza. Pressure from America is a major reason why Israel is forced to consider a limited presence in Gaza in the post-war or winding-down-the-war period. Democrats in the Oval Office want Israel to walk out and do the most absurd of all options – let the Arabs rearm, dig out new tunnels, and prepare for yet another phase in the never-ending attempt to destroy the State of Israel.
But Bibi Netanyahu knows that more than 75-80% of the Jewish population in Israel completely opposes Israel walking away from Gaza. The occupation by the United States Army proved its effectiveness in post-war Germany following World War II. It is the right option in this case too. But it is not enough for Israel to simply occupy Gaza.
Israel needs to annex Gaza and declare proudly that any land that is used to attack Israel – whether above or below ground – will be conquered and turned into a zone that Israel’s military will take over. Nothing will disincentivize terrorists more than knowing that if they attack, they will lose control over the land they are attacking from. Sound cruel. It is, and it is also effective, and that’s how you fight evil effectively.