Muslim-Jewish anti-Israel partnership made the headline news

by Avi Abelow

This is a disturbing anti-Israel partnership between Muslims and Jews. IfNotNow is completely antisemitic, and Jews who support it should be ashamed.

Shameful Anti-Israel Partnership

Here we have Congresswoman Ilhan Omar inviting an IfNotNow member to speak at a press conference she and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib organized to spread lies and misinformation about Israel. They were banned to visit Israel because they are active supporters of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, which is part of the overall terror strategy to destroy Israel. They even proposed a bill on the House floor for America to support boycotting Israel.

IfNotNow (INN) is an anti-Israel organization founded in 2014 in response to Operation Protective Edge (OPE). The group claims to be “young Jews angered by the overwhelmingly hawkish response of American Jewish institutions” to the operation. INN describes itself as an organization “steeped both in left-wing protest and Jewish tradition” that seeks to “end American Jewish support for the occupation.” It is shameful that Jews themselves are so hateful of their own history and culture. It is shameful that they help spread the horrific lies about their one and only homeland. This IfNotNow speaker is falling right into the trap of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. She is standing with those who want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.

Press Conference of Lies

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