Jennifer Lopez and manager infuriate Israel boycotters!

by Leah Rosenberg

It’s refreshing to hear famous stars support Israel. As the BDS Movement tries to stop performers from coming to Israel, Jennifer Lopez proudly came!

BDS, Jennifer Lopez, and Israel

The BDS Movement has falsely convinced many not to visit Israel and not to perform in the Jewish state. Through their lies and false narrative, they persuade the uninformed to boycott the Jewish state. And of course, the antisemites are happy to tag along, despite possibly knowing the truth.

But Jennifer Lopez came to Israel. She did NOT cancel her trip. In fact, her manager actively spoke up in support of the trip! He said, “There was nothing that was gonna stop us from being in Israel…Tel Aviv and Israel deserve Jennifer Lopez, and Jennifer Lopez deserves Israel.” They wanted to come, and so they did!

Standing up to the BDS Movement

There have been a few stars who will openly speak up against the BDS Movement and in support of Israel. Some have been Jewish, and some have not. Either way, in the entertainment industry, it is not easy to swim against the tide like that. But for those who are willing to have enough courage to do so, Israel and the Jewish people deeply appreciate it. Speaking the truth in a world where people speak lies can be daunting. But at the end of the day, it is the right thing to do. It is the only thing to do.

The BDS Movement is full of deception. And ultimately, deception will not win.

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