IDF Soldier Rescued from Hamas – What Her Family Did to Bring Her Home Will Leave You in Awe

by Leah Rosenberg

The family of IDF soldier Ori Magidish fought for their daughter with spiritual means. And they were blessed to see the fruits of their labor.

What the Family of Rescued IDF Soldier Did to Bring Her Home

If this doesn’t inspire you, nothing will. Ori Magidish’s family did what they could to bring their IDF soldier home. Could they go into Gaza themselves to find her and rescue her from Hamas? No. Were they able to plan a rescue operation? No. But what they were able to do was fight the spiritual war. Everyone has the power to pray, perform kind deeds, and beseech G-d for what they need. Everyone can do mitzvot and follow G-d’s word. It makes a difference. Prayers make a difference. Doing mitzvot makes a difference. We don’t always see the fruits of our labor right away or in our lifetime. But when we follows G-d’s ways, it never is in vain. It will always help the world in some way.

And this time, the results of prayers and true faith in G-d were seen. The whole world needs to see how special this family is. They didn’t turn away from G-d in their time of unimaginable pain and sorrow. They turned directly to G-d. They strengthened their relationship with Him. The Magidish family knew and knows that the One Above is the only One who can help them and save the Jewish people.

If we all pray and have faith in G-d in such a real way, the results will be incredible.

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