WATCH: Yemen Shoots Missiles At Israel, Declaring War

by David Mark

Israel’s war against the Islamic Nazis in Gaza has increasingly pulled the rest of Iran’s proxies that surround Israel into the fray. While none of this is surprising, the actualization of what many have acknowledged to be Iran’s plan is completely surreal. Yemen or better put the Houthis in Yemen have now declared war on the Jewish State.

The Houthis are an Iranian proxy that controls a third of Yemen, and although it is a minority, it is the third that matters. The Houthis possess and array of long range weapons like assassin drones and cruise missiles – some of which have already been fired at Israel.

While the projectiles have not reached Eilat yet, Israel is taking no chances and has sent destroyers into Red Sea to prevent Houthis and other Iranian backed actors from approaching.

After already shooting missiles and UAVs at Israel, the Houthis occupied area of Yemen declared war on Israel.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces issued the following statement from Sana’a, the capital of Yemen:

“The Yemeni Armed Forces… confirm that they will continue to carry out qualitative strikes with missiles and drones until the Israeli aggression stops.” 

Iran now has Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis all involved with the assault on Israel. Yet, Israel is only one of the targets for the Houthis. The other is the Bab-el-Mandeb a straight that separates the Horn of Africa – one of the world’s most important shipping lanes due to its proximity and access to the oil rich countries on the Arabian peninsula.

If the Houthis close off Bab-el-Mandeb, the USA would be obligated to invade Yemen and most probably come into direct conflict with Iran to ensure the west’s energy supply remains intact.

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