Governments and the Media Want PragerU to Take This Video Down

by Leah Rosenberg

Dennis Prager has an amazing perspective on many things. This is one of them. Don’t miss out on this – it can change your life.

Dennis Prager on Living in Fear

Fear is a powerful thing. Obviously, an irrational fear is different than a rational fear, as Dennis Prager points out.

The government and the media are probably not happy that PragerU has posted this video. Prager is calling out how the government and the media create fears in society that never needed to exist in the first place. And it truly harms society. People are stopped from hearing the truth. Instead, they believe what they are told, stoking their irrational fears of many things in life. And it negatively impacts them and the next generation.

We cannot let the government and the media get away with ruining people’s lives in such a real way. We cannot let them get away with only sharing one side of the story; with hiding information from the public. They have caused people to do things and think in a certain way because of the way they instill irrational fears in the public worldwide.

Living in fear – irrational fear – does nothing positive on an individual level or on a societal level. We must understand the difference between a real fear and a fear that is unwarranted. Dennis Prager’s perspective is one which more people should listen to. One’s quality of life will improve. Who wants to walk around living in fear? Hopefully, more people will wake up. It will only benefit themselves and society as a whole…

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