Explosion at Iraqi weapons warehouse rocks its capital

by Avi Abelow

Baghdad was hit hard by an explosion on an Iraqi weapons warehouse. The weapons belonged to a pro-Iranian militia. Whatever the cause was, it’s good news.

Iraqi Weapons Warehouse

The Iraqi weapons warehouse that had a blast housed weapons that belonged to Hash al-Shaabi militia, which is also known as the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). 1 person was killed in the explosion, and 29 others were injured. The warehouse stored Iranian missiles.

Some claim the explosion was caused by poor storing conditions and extremely high temperatures in Iraq’s capital. Some blamed Israel for the mysterious blast, but Israel has taken no responsibility. This is not the first time an Iranian weapons depot has been hit.

The Good News

Regardless of how it happened and if it was purposely or not, the Western world should be thrilled each time Iranian bases or missiles are destroyed. We are trying to fight against the evil of the world, and Iran is the cause of much of that evil. America, Israel, and all other Western countries should be grateful that weapons intended to do them harm were demolished. These missiles could have been used to kill innocent people, and at least now those missiles are no longer.

Everything is orchestrated by the hand of God! And sometimes, we can see how a “mysterious occurrence” can actually work in our favor…

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