Jews and Israel Supporters – raise your heads up high!!! We are victors!!!
Yes, this ceasefire is horrible, horrible, horrible, while we are simultaneously happy to free as many of our hostages that we can. The only ceasefire that should have been declared was one of Hamas’ unconditional surrender, but that wasn’t possible with the Biden administration that forced us to give them aid every day to continue killing us.
Regardless, focus on the big picture…
We have overcome 3,000+ years of continued exile and persecution. As we say every year on Passover, “in every generation we have an enemy that tries to annihilate us”, yet we are still here, back as sovereign in our ancestral homeland, bigger, stronger, and more Jewish as a nation, then ever before! Just 80 years ago we were almost annihilated by the Nazis, and look where we are today. We are now a regional super power in a much better geo-strategic position than even before Oct. 7th, 2023, after decimating Hamas, Hizbullah, and weakening Iran! And remember the fear on Oct. 8th, and thinking we couldn’t send troops into Gaza or deal with Iran’s octopus missile strategy all across the Middle East? Yet, look where we are today!!! We have paid a huge, huge price, but look where we are vs. where we thought we would be.
AND do not forget…
– the Western powers have been working against us to stop us from ending the Islamonaz*i evil we are up against, throughout this war.
– we still have senior IDF/intelligence officers stopping us from winning our wars properly because they still misunderstand our enemies.
– we still have a politicized justice system that literally is responsible for our IDF not having been able to protect us for decades (just remember former PM Yitzchak Rabin’s decision for oslo – based on establishing a palestinian authority to fight Hamas in our stead since they will be able to do it “without the Supreme Court and without the left-wing Betzelem organization stopping them”), in addition to so many other problems that endangers our country.
– the leaders of the western world continue to ignore the evils of our Islamonaz*i enemies (including Qatar and Egypt, countries they treat as neutral mediators!) and instead force Israel to capitulate to a ceasefire that forces us to release Islamonaz*i terrorists, and give up on our military gains in Gaza, is horrible.
And most important for now, remember, even though the ceasefire is getting the headlines, it is not the main issue. This war does not end until Hamas is no longer in power in Gaza, ceasefire or no ceasefire. That is one of the central war goals that still stands. And that goal will only be achieved when Israel remains in Gaza forever, because we are not able to trust any Arab self-rule in Gaza, (or Judea & Samaria either). And that will happen, not if, but when!
Ceasefire or no Ceasefire, The War is Not Over!!!
As news spreads of our Islamonaz*i enemies celebrating the ceasefire deal, many Israelis and supporters of Israel worldwide are left baffled. Gaza lies in ruins, its infrastructure destroyed, and thousands of its people dead. So why are they celebrating?
The answer lies in understanding our Islamonaz*i enemies, a reality that too many Jews, Israelis and Westerners still fail to grasp.
Why Our Enemies Celebrate
Our Islamonaz*i enemies are not like us. They do not value life. They don’t care about their children or their loved ones. They don’t mourn the loss of their homes or communities. For them, these are all sacrifices on the altar of their ultimate goal: killing Jews, taking our land, and destroying the Jewish state of Israel.
Our Islamonaz*i enemies and their supporters celebrate because they believe they have survived 15 months fighting against the mighty Jewish state of Israel. For them, survival itself is a victory—a reason to cheer and a symbol of their continued resistance. They think they will fight us again another day and eventually massacre us all and destroy us.
This is not about rational politics to end a war. We are up against Islamic jihad, driven by a 1,400 year old religious ideology that sees no room for compromise or coexistence.
Why the Deal Now, and Not Months Ago?
One question on many minds is: Why did Netanyahu make this deal now and not months ago, when the Biden administration, led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was pushing for it?
First of all, Hamas always said no. The terrorists refused any deal that required releasing hostages without full capitulation to their demands.
Second, there was no trust in the Biden-Blinken administration to allow Israel to continue the war and finish the job after a ceasefire. Biden’s administration placed a de facto arms embargo on Israel, until this day, that has delayed weapons shipments, and consistently tried to restrain us from achieving victory.
The Trump administration, however, is a different story. Trump’s team has made it clear that they support Israel’s total destruction of Hamas and will back us in finishing the job. The ceasefire under Trump’s incoming leadership, while seen as weakness by our enemies, is really a tactical move, one we wish we did not have to do, but it only stops us temporarily. Eventually we will secure a decisive victory over our enemies. That is not a question of if, but when!
The Ceasefire is a Pause, Not an End
This ceasefire is not the conclusion of the war. It is a tactical pause. Hamas and its supporters will inevitably break this ceasefire, just as they have broken every single other agreement in the past. Whether tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or in 5 years.
When that happens, Israel must return to Gaza with a clear mission: to **liberate Gaza completely** and ensure it remains under full Israeli control, making Gaza Jewish again, never to leave again, and with all Islamonaz*i terror supporters leaving via Egypt to live in other genocidal Muslim countires. With each day, more and more Israelis, even former left-wing Israelis today understand this truth.
Again, this is not a matter of *if* but *when.*
A Lesson from History: Jefferson and the Fight Against The Third Jihad Movie
Our fight today against Islamic jihad is not a new battle. This ideological war predates the establishment of the state of Israel and has impacted the entire world.
In May 1786, U.S. diplomats Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s Muslim ambassador to London. They asked why North African Muslim pirates were attacking American ships despite no provocation.
The Tripoli’s ambassador’s response was chilling:
‘The raids were jihad against infidels. Muslim pirates believed it was their religious duty to wage war on non-Muslims wherever they could, to enslave prisoners, and that every Muslim slain in battle would go to paradise.’
Jefferson chose not to appease the jihadists but to fight them, establishing the U.S. Navy to confront the Muslim Barbary pirates.

This is 200+ years ago, years before the establishment of the State of Israel, years before the establishment of the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran, and years before the establishment of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood. This is a religious Muslim religious jihad against all us infidels, no connection to today’s events, that too many Westerners today still prefer to ignore!
Today, Israel stands on the same frontlines against Islamic jihad, defending not just ourselves but the principles of freedom and justice for the entire freedom-loving world.
Victory for Israel Means More Than Survival
The war will not end with temporary ceasefires or half-measures. It will end only when our Islamonaz*i enemies recognize that their attempts to destroy us are futile. Even as they celebrate, the war is not over—it’s merely paused. And they are the ones in denial about the ultimate victory of the Jewish state of Israel, that is not a question of if, but when.
Victory requires defeating the jihadists so thoroughly that they lose the will to fight. Anything less leaves the door open for future massacres and more hostages.
Chanukah and the Spirit of the Maccabees
We just celebrated the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, and we should take inspiration from the Maccabees. Even though we celebrate for 8 days, the battles against the Syrian-Greeks lasted nearly 30 years! The Maccabees endured victories, as well as setbacks, and strategic pullbacks, but in the end we won! They never wavered in their resolve, despite the many losses and pullbacks during that close to 30 year war.
In the same way, this 7 front war we are fighting today is part of our 76-year war for independence that began in 1948. The war of Independence never ended. Our enemies keep on changing names and tactics. As today, this ceasefire is merely a temporary tactical move, akin to the strategic retreats of the Maccabees.
The Path to Total Victory
Netanyahu’s strategy reflects the long game. He has resisted pressures from multiple fronts—both from within and from foreign leaders—to ensure Israel’s security and ultimate victory.
We must recognize that this war is not just about the here and now. It’s about securing our future, ensuring no more massacres like October 7th ever occur again. This means total victory, not just for Israel but for the entire freedom-loving world.
The spirit of the Maccabees lives on in the Jewish people. We will not let our enemies dictate our fate. Victory is inevitable.
Stop putting your faith in people – Netanyahu, Trump, Biden etc. Put all of your faith in Hashem above. He’s got this! Everything I wrote above is all because of Hashem! We just have to do our best in doing our part in steering the Jewish people, and humanity, in the right direction, based on strengthening our Jewish identity, truth, morality and Torah!!!
Am Yisrael Chai!