British rapper tried to bring down the Jews, but he never expected this response

by Leah Rosenberg

When a British rapper known as Wiley published horrendous antisemitic tweets, he most definitely did not expect what would come next.

British Rapper Got Served

It seems that Twitter and all other platforms of social media are being used to target the Jewish people. The antisemitism is horrendous. It is shocking what people say, especially those who have a larger following and are more famous. It has happened in England, in America, and everywhere else throughout the world. Sports players, singers, actors, and other famous stars. They’re all tweeting and spreading antisemitism. It is as if they think it is the “cool” thing to do.

But how many Jews respond? And if they do, how many respond in such a public way? Well, after British rapper Wiley went on a tweeting rant about the Jewish people, it was time for a proper response.

This video is powerful. It is one of the greatest responses to the rising antisemitism. This Jewish rapper is speaking Wiley’s language, and he better listen up.

The world better listen up.

Enough is enough.

The Jews are not Your Punching Bag

The Jewish People are not scapegoats. We have seen every form of antisemitism throughout the centuries. The physical abuse. The verbal abuse. And now abuse on social media.

It is all bad, and it all must be stopped. The Jews are no longer willing to remain silent. Silence does not lead to anywhere good.

This is one of the most creative responses to the antisemitism that is raging throughout the world. Although it is specifically directed at one British rapper, it really is a response and is relevant to every person who has displayed the age-old hatred of Jews.

More people need to speak up and speak out against the antisemitism that is spreading faster and faster.

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