Women for Israel’s Security – נשים למען ביטחון was established in the spirit of our brave Jewish matriarchs. It was in their merit that the children of Israel were redeemed from Pharaoh’s Egypt and have endured and prospered over the centuries. We are first and foremost committed to the safety and security of the people of Israel.
Women for Israel’s Security Statement
As such, Women for Israel’s Security
This is an initiative that the entire nation should support, no matter who sits in the Prime Minister’s seat. WFIS is not about advocating for Binyamin Netanyahu’s removal from office, however, even if one were to accept the notion that there is no one better than Netanyahu, there is no reason to accept that Prime Minister Netanyahu cannot do better.
Blowing up a terrorist’s bedroom is hardly deterrence. Neither is providing the murderers with country club accommodations in prison, or paying for their advanced degrees while they serve out their sentences. Ending financial support for the Palestinian Authority and deporting the terrorists and their enablers, which necessarily includes Mahmoud Abbas and his followers would be a step in the right direction. The PA has proven itself identical to Hamas. A new “authority” representing all Arab tribes in Judea and Samaria, made up of Arabs who choose peace, must be put in its place.
A solution to daily Arab terror attacks in Israel can be attained if we unite and stand strong in this endeavor. We urge our leadership to stand up to world opinion and to follow the correct path for Israel’s security. A path of courage and steadfastness in prioritizing the lives of our people.