Warren Buffett revealed something about time that most people don’t realize. And this video shows how that idea is really in the Bible!
Warren Buffett’s Message
The video with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates is interesting. Buffett feels like his schedule needs to be open to leave time to think. You cannot always be so busy that you have no time to think. Bill Gates admitted that he was different – always being so busy.
What can happen when we do not take care of our time properly? What happens when there is such a long “to-do list” that we do not even have time to stop and think? To look around at the world? To reevaluate what is important to us? You do not want to end up ignoring the world around you because you are too busy. That is not life. And Warren Buffett realizes that. But that idea comes from the Bible.
The Jews in Egypt
The idea brought down in this video is unbelievable. Can you imagine that the Jewish people almost missed the call to end their slavery? They almost did not leave Egypt and their servitude! The Jews were so focused on what they had to get done and on the physical that they could not hear the call of freedom. They were so engrossed in idolatry. The Jewish people in Egypt could not see beyond or take a second to think about something deeper.
No one wants to sit their worrying about all they have to take care of. As it says in this video, “When we are so focused on our to-do list, we are doing something wrong. We need to make time to catch our breath, to think, to contemplate, to understand the world around us. To breathe deep.” What a deep message for all of us to take to heart.