What we are witnessing is a massive coverup by the media establishment, and social media platforms, for a tremendous amount of irregularities and alleged fraud by state officials, local officials, campaign officials and much more.
It is the self-proclaimed journalists of those media outlets, who constantly call out any voter irregularity or fraud allegation as “fake news”, who are undermining the constitutionality and democracy of the United States. Otherwise, they should be the first ones calling for investigations into the allegations in order to protect election integrity. But they don’t and they haven’t.
And this is not just in the United States, the media establishment in Israel and other democracies do the same thing in their reporting of our local news reports as well. Instead of honest reporting, they provide an agenda driven narrative to brainwash the masses and create a perceived reality that shuts up everyone who thinks otherwise.
Anyone who heard or saw the Trump legal team press conference this evening can not deny the vast amount of alleged election irregularities and fraud. Now the real court battles begin with the presentation of the evidence.
Why have I been so vocal about this? Because this is way beyond just a US election issue. Again,
1. in order to provide a voice for everyone who is too afraid to voice their own opinions because of the horrendous brainwashing & bullying of the left, led by the agenda-driven media establishment, that is threatening people’s jobs and tearing friends and families apart for “daring” to voice support for Trump or the alleged voter fraud in the election.
2. In order to try to provide information to wake up those who still watch and trust the “fake news” reporting of the media establishment, everywhere (not just in the US)
3. In order to instill a sense of hope in people who truly care about election integrity, justice, and yes, that President Trump still might win, and that they are not alone. And not to be too depressed by the constant “fake news” of the mainstream media, and the comments of friends and family to shut them up.
I have stated from the beginning of this election mess that I believe Trump will win, because he came with a plan to win in order to catch this mess in the act to then make the changes necessary to protect, as best as possible, all future US elections. And if I’m right, the landscape of the media establishment and social media companies will be forever changed due to their active coverup of it all.
Instead of going through my whole thought process again, just watch the following videos from last week.
And no, Biden is not President-elect. He might be one day, and he can call himself that now if he wants, but he is not President-elect.
Now we wait and see where the evidence takes us…
Part 1: https://pulseofisrael.com/…/10/trump-warned-america-fraud/
Part 2: https://pulseofisrael.com/2020/11/15/trump-path-to-victory/
See comments on the original facebook post