There has never been a more efficient and clear-minded spokesman of the State of Israel than present Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Jake Tapper, an excellent CNN interviewer and host, toes the anti-Israel line of saying that Israel illegally settles in land on the West Bank. This outright lies has been said thousands of times by CNN and tens of thousands of times by the New York Times. But the rest of the questions from Jake Tapper were fair and reasonable. The questions basically centered on whether or not Benjamin Netanyahu and Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State were at odds with each other in a big way or a small way.
First off, Netanyahu properly rebuffed Tapper on the lie about Israel settling it’s own land illegally. The most that can be said is that the lands of Judea and Samaria, often coined the West Bank by anti-Israel reporters, are disputed territories. But to claim that Israel is somehow doing something illegal by allowing Jews to live there is a racist continuation of the policies that claim that anywhere in the world should be judenrein – free of Jews.
But the main point that Netanyahu succeeded in getting across is that the whole notion of Israel not being able to make peace with it’s Arab neighbors in neighboring countries until there is peace with Arabs in it’s midst has been proven to be untrue. Israel is now thriving in peace with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Yitzhak Rabin signed a peace treaty with Jordan that has held out rather well over the last few decades. Sudan has followed after the UAE, and Morocco and Saudi Arabia are already on the table. These are truly seismic shifts in the Middle East that show that peace is winning out in a big way among all that want peace.
So why are the representatives of Arabs in the State of Israel and right outside of it, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas not involved. It’s quite simple. They care first and foremost about killing Israel and care less about making peace with Israel. Tow proofs – textbooks and “pay to slay.” Until both of these change, Israel must wait patiently, defend itself, and work on these two issues. Any other plan is foolish and disconnected to reality.
One cannot make peace with an entity that educates it’s children to kill you. One cannot make peace with an entity that rewards terror with generous payments to the families of terrorists.
Circling back to the very beginning of the interview, there is a reason that Benjamin Netanyahu recognizes at the start of the interview that the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl. It was not just a wise tactical move. It was a statement of a Western-capitalist oriented Prime Minister who values democracy and freedom over tyranny and backward progress. Israel is a part of the Western world. It is at the forefront of the battle to preserve freedom and democracy in the world. It is no surprise that Israel and the United States have so much in common, whereas Mahmoud Abbas has more in common with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.