A few days ago Rebel Media sat down with the activist and citizen journalist, Tommy Robinson. You can get the background on the case here. Speaking with Ezra Levant, Tommy reveals many more details than he has previously spoken about. Rebel released two versions of the interview: first a 1hr 40min version and then a 2hr 10min version which goes into more detail on the legal side.
In a somewhat surprising development, the UK mainstream media, which has been quick to cover trivial or negative stories about Tommy Robinson, has not mentioned this interview once since it came out four days ago.
Short Version
Embedded here is the shorter version of the interview. If you prefer to watch the full uncut interview you can find that here.
Cut-out Parts of Longer Version
If you want to see the parts of the interview that were cut but appear in the longer version, the following video shows just those parts. This video is especially useful because it goes into much greater legal detail surrounding the circumstances of his arrest, trial and conviction in Leeds (all of which has been quashed by the Court of Appeal) and includes important information from Tommy’s earlier conviction in Canterbury.
On September 27th, Tommy is due to stand trial again. At the time this video was made he had still not been made aware of the specifics of the contempt of court he is alleged to have committed in Leeds on May 25th. For this he has already served two and a half months in solitary confinement, deprived of proper food by the British authorities.