This Might be the Most Stunning High Holidays Song You’ll Ever Listen to

by Leah Rosenberg

This High Holidays song is so good and relatable. The lyrics really hit home when it comes to what many people feel during this time.

Beautiful High Holidays Song

What an honest High Holidays song! This song by Ekev and Mordechai Shapiro really speaks to the soul. There is something about it that feels so sincere and real.

As G-d’s children and servants, we want to do better. But as humans, we struggle. We make mistakes. We sometimes fall and fail. But we should have the confidence that we have the ability to do better. It’s important to admit when we make mistakes. And it’s also important to know that if we want to do better and we believe that we can, that is already part of the process.


If I had a dime
For all the love that I share
Would I be a millionaire
I think I would be nowhere near.

If I built a ladder
On the good that I give
Would it go up to the heavens
Or be broken beyond repair.

Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu,
I could do better
My Father forgive me
I promise I could do better
Avinu, malkeinu, chaneinu, vaneinu.

My Father forgive me I promise I will do better
(I could do, I could do)
I promise I could do better
(I could do, I could do).

It’s about time that I face the truth
Put my selfish ways aside and return to
You I’ve been running wild only thinking of myself
Been following my heart instead of following You
But The King is in the field I could see it so clearly
Standing over there
He’s just waiting to hear me
I’m really gonna change
I’ll be better I promise
I’ve cried and I’ve cried
And you know that I’m honest.


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