Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most brilliant political thinker / historians today. Of course, his encyclopedic knowledge is the basis of all he espouses. But, it is more than that. It is the fact that he has not just been a professor while he became a scholar that specializes in everything relating to warfare in ancient and modern periods. He is also a farmer, and that informs all of his way of thinking about the world. He is perfectly suited to explain the pitfalls of the globalist view of dealing with “keeping the peace.”
Hanson argues that when sovereignty is surrendered to international bodies, like the League of Nations and the United Nations, what insures that people will actually listen to what these international bodies say? The League of Nations did not keep World War II from happening. The United Nations did not keep the world from fighting wars in Korea and Vietnam. If China and the Soviet Union are on the Security Council, can we truly expect the United Nations to reign in China if China decides to expand beyond their borders?
Hanson points out that the World Health Organization, a globally governed body, is not independent from powerful countries like China. The WHO’s is not a truly independent body, and when they recommended – in the beginning of the pandemic – to not shut down flights from China, that was not a purely medical decision. It was based on deep connections that the WHO had with China.
The same goes for decisions by the UN Human Rights Commission. When countries with miserable human rights records are championing the anti-Israel narrative in order to promote the Arab position to destroy Israel, it is globalism gone awry.
There is indeed a place for globalism, via bodies like the United Nations. But, the entire structure of the United Nations needs a major shift in order to fill a role that will inspire confidence across the world to view the UN as a beacon of morality. Today, the UN is more of a laughingstock when they come out with moral pronouncements of human rights violations. But, the UN could turn into a place that people view as the moral compass of the world if representatives from each country are not politicians, but non-politicians. The UN should not just be about political representatives from each country. It should be about having moral representatives from each country where each country competes for the moral high ground. That will not bring peace to the world. But it will move the world closer to a better place than it is in now.