The place where the Bible and chocolate connect

by Phil Schneider

What do the Bible and chocolate have in common? It’s probably not the most common combination. But in the Southern Hebron Hills, there is an amazing factory where the two concepts are intertwined seamlessly.

The oldest connection to the Land of Israel can often be felt in the Southern Hebron Hills. This goes back to the time when the children of Israel first entered the Land of Israel in the time of Joshua. No, the spies who came to check out the Land did not report anything relating to cacao. But they did report that the Land was fruitful – with gigantic fruits. One of the spies specifically went to Hebron in order to prostrate himself at the graves of our forefathers and the great mothers of the Jewish people. This was in Hebron.

Now, today at the foot of the city of Hebron, there are beautiful hills where one can truly feel the existence of the Bible just as it was lived more than 3,000 years ago. The area of Hebron has always been a place where the Jewish people have received strength and give strength. Today, there are entrepreneurial brave people who have settled the Land of Israel in areas such as the Hebron Hills who have built up businesses like the Holy Cacao business. Their bravery echoes the bravery of the early pioneers who came into the Land of Israel. Today, they are rebuilding the Land and serve as role models for other young pioneers.

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