The Palestinians Reject Peace Again

by Micha Gefen

The “Palestinians” have been known to be the side of “No” when it comes to past peace plans. They have never quite accepted Israel’s right to live as a Jewish State and so their angry response to the “Deal of the Century” is no surprise.

The problem for them this time around is that President Trump may not wait as patiently as other presidents have.

Secretary of State Pompeo spoke with Ben Shapiro about the “Deal of the Century.” Mike Pompeo said the following:

“The President has taken one of the longest challenges in history and it is the most detailed, realistic plan ever presented. What is important for everyone to know is that there is not a liver offer on the table. There is a live offer on the table for four year for the ‘Palestinians’ to consider.”

The plan, according to Shapiro is a reflection of reality, but the “Palestinians” don’t want any of it.

Shapiro points out that envoys from Arab states showed up to the unveiling showing that there has been a shift in the Arab countries to recognizing Israel.

“In the end the ‘Palestinian’ people will have to decide for themselves,” Pompeo said.

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