The most shocking story of a Muslim who was really a Jew

by Avi Abelow

A truly shocking story. Can you imagine growing up as a Muslim, only to learn that you are also a Jew? What would you do? Meet Mark Halawa.

What a Story

Meet Mark Halawa. Halawa is a Muslim who was born in Kuwait. He grew up in Kuwait and believed that he was a “palestinian” Arab refugee. He grew up with the knowledge that his grandmother was Jewish, but his family told him that she converted to Islam. In his 20’s Mark learned that since his grandmother was Jewish, he was also Jewish. This motivated him to learn about Judaism. Today, Mark lives his life as a religious Jew in Jerusalem. Talk about a change of lifestyle!

Muslim Education

Mark grew up and was educated in Kuwait to hate Jews and believe that they are evil. They taught him that Jews were the enemy. That hatred was part of him, and all his family, friends, classmates and neighbors throughout his years of Muslim education.

One day he then decided to be the enemy that he was always taught to hate!

It is a big step for a born Muslim to overcome all that education to hate Jews, to then one day become a practicing Jew! But here is where we can see that truth will and does prevail. Unfortunately this type of education that Mark received is typical. Maybe, if there are more people like Mark who will recognize that hate will not win, then things will change. Likewise we can also see that education is the key. Because if we educate the future generations with love and peace then that is the message that they will share going forward.

Mark’s Message

Mark’s message to humanity is that we all want to live in peace. Jews, Christians and Muslims should all live in peace. Hate should not be taught. Only by being taught love and acceptence of all, will we all be able to live peaceufully together, despite our differences.

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