Whether or not you already know the song “I have no other land,” or in Hebrew “Ein li eretz acheret,” this music video is very emotional.
I Have No Other Land
Ein li eretz acheret is a well-known and popular Israeli song. When you see it in a music video like this one, it is so powerful and so relatable. Famous Israeli music couple “Yonina” made an extremely meaningful music video to go along with the song.
There is just something about this footage and their beautiful voices that will give you the chills.
The Jewish people have been through extremely trying times throughout history. Since the Holocaust, Oct. 7 has been the bloodiest day. It is a day that is etched in the hearts and minds of Jews worldwide. It is a day that we still feel. It isn’t just a day of the past. We are living with it.
And with the pain, we are strengthening each other as a nation. We are reminding ourselves that this is our G-d given land, and we are not going anywhere. We truly “have no other land.” Israel is the home of the Jewish people. G-d watches over the Jewish people in a special way in the land of Israel.