The Most Incriminating Video Ever Made About UNRWA

by Leah Rosenberg

A classic anti-Israel argument has been the accusation that the “whol world” accepts the”fact” that Israeli settlements are illegal and that Israel mistreats the so-called “Palestinian people.” Both are lies. A primary source of these lies is the United Nations presence in the Land of Israel that predates the State of Israel. 

Tens of millions of dollars every year are spent on United Nations activity – all of which bascially eternalizes the Aab-Israeli conflict. That necessitates the United Nations presence and allows hundreds of United Nations employees to mainain high-paying jobs in the State of Israel.

But the real problem is that the UNRWA branch of the UN, a branch that specifically deals with the UN refugess in the State of Israel does not merely cooperate and assist Arab refugees. They educate to terror against the State of Israel. They house the arms and terror tunnel network of Hamas against Israel and actually have payroll employees who take active part in terror attacks against Israel such as the attack on October 7th.

Although this surprised many people, David Bedein has been revealing the shocking norms of UNRWA for many years. His pioneering work was not treated with the seriousness it should have. There was no reason Israel should have been surprised by October 7th. Wherever there is UNRWA, there is terror education, terror training, from a very young age, and an active terrorism network that is constantly planning to wreak havoc on Israel.

The next time someone claims that the “whole world recognizes” something about Israel, tell them that the UN is corrupt to it’s core. So, who exactly is the “whole world” that opposes Israel? 

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