Hamas Really Doesn’t Want You to See This Proof That the Jewish People Are Eternal

by Leah Rosenberg

When it feels like our enemies are winning, it can be hard to remember that the Jewish people are eternal. But watch this.

The Jewish People Are Eternal

Learning history is extremely important. For those who forgot, the Jewish people have experienced pain and persecution many times before. We have suffered tremendously, and G-d has always ensured our survival. As this very well-produced video reminds us, we were beaten, humiliated, and exiled. G-d’s holy Temple was brutally destroyed. Our enemies had no mercy on us. The Romans thought they had defeated the Jewish nation. But they didn’t realize that the Jewish people are eternal.

And Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and all of Israel’s enemies don’t seem to realize that either. The people of Israel are not going anywhere.

What happened after the Romans took our most precious, holy items as spoils of war?

We eventually returned to our land. We were not defeated. We experienced more pain and suffering along the long journey, but we stayed together as a nation. We taught our children to have faith in G-d and to follow His ways. The fact that the Menorah became the symbol of the state of Israel is a very beautiful and spiritual thing. We Jews are G-d’s chosen, eternal people. And we must remember that even if it feels like we are being destroyed, G-d will not let that happen. He will always raise us back up and show the world that He is in charge and that He is protecting us.

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