Living near Gaza is not an easy thing. Children and adults alike share the fear of terror tunnels, rockets, and terrorist infiltrations.
The Pain of Children Near Gaza
This song shows what the children living near Gaza experience. These are young children. Six and seven year olds. Can you imagine? They are singing about hiding from rockets and terrorists instead of singing about topics suitable for children. Look these children in the eyes. They are real. Their emotions are real. And the world ignores what they experience. The world acts as if they do not exist; as if terrorism does not live at their doorstep.
The children do not want to live in fear anymore. They do not want to know the pain of having loved ones be murdered by terrorists.
Will You Care to Change Their Song?
Will anyone care to change the song of these children? Will you care? And what about Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, the two American congresswomen who side with Hamas over Israel? They clearly do not care that these innocent children are traumatized. They clearly do not care that instead of singing a song about laughter and friends, these children living near the border with Gaza are singing a song about terror tunnels and rocket fire.
It is so, so sad. It is tragic. How is it that terrorists are being supported by some of the world rather than Israel being supported? Why is Hamas supported over democracy? Maybe if the world actually woke up to the truth, six year old Israeli children wouldn’t have to sing songs like these.