Only in Jerusalem can one song bring so many people together in a beautiful act of unity. The song is known as “Jerusalem of Gold,” and it has a rich history that stirs up passions, more than 50 years after it was written.
In the days and weeks leading up to what would be known as the Six Day War in 1967, the entire State of Israel was racked with nervousness. Egypt was threatening Israel by closing Israel’s shipping from the south while Syria joined Egypt in threatening Israel from the north. It looked very bleak.
Right in the middle of this time, the song, “Jerusalem of Gold” came out. It was an instant hit. But, when just a few weeks later, Israel’s Defense Forces found themselves in the holiest site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall of the Temple, the song, “Jerusalem of Gold” was heard from the lips of the paratroopers in an historically powerful moment.
Today, the song is taught to every child and is known as a classic. But in which country do so many people, including the bus driver, sing a song with such passion and such spontaneity?