“The key to democracy is alive and well in Israel.” That is a powerful and true statement by Allen Dershowitz. Yet, Dershowitz spoke out forcefully against the left for trying to undercut the Israeli economy with extortionary techniques. There is nothing at all about the Supreme Court reforms which have anything to do with the Israeli economy. But Israel’s left has shown that it has no red lines as far as how it has handled its protests of the judicial reforms.
Note that Allan Dershowitz has been touting his flawless liberal credentials for so many decades. He has not changed. The world around him has. That is why his perspective is so important. He is a breath of fresh air compared to so many others who have driven over the woke cliff.
Dershowitz has never hesitated to criticize Israel over the last few decades. So, it is all the more important when Dershowitz does NOT criticize Israel’s government.
Nearly any Supreme Court scholar understands that Israel’s reforms in it’s Supreme Court are absolutely vital to protect Israel’s democracy. Dershowitz knows that the status quo IS the problem, and that the radical Left that dominates Israel’s Supreme Court is not due to Israel’s democratic character, but a flaw in Israel’s democratic character.