The heartbreaking truth of what it’s like to live with the threat of terror

by Leah Rosenberg

Terror in the Land of Israel has many faces.  Anywhere it hits, it is heartbreaking.  Despite the fact that most people feel perfectly safe in most of the Land of Israel, there are hot spots from time to time.  In the last few years, most of Israel’s south has been a hot spot.  Literally – hot with fire.

Arson terrorism is cheap.  It is not difficult to tie a burning rag on a balloon and fly it over a border fence into the fields on the other side.  The havoc that it wreaks on fields on a dry summer day or evening is massive.

It is very easy to set fire to a small flying device and let the flying arson weapon do it’s deed, and then run away under the cover of darkness.  It’s no secret that Israel has struggled with this.

Heartbreaking but Inspiring

The key message of the song, “We have no other Land” is not a heartbreaking message.  It is actually an inspiring message.  The Jewish people have no choice.  That is a fact.  But it is also the core reason why the State of Israel has been a place where Israeli soldiers and villages stand up with such valor against terror.  We have no choice!

An Israeli soldier was once on the Golan Heights and was asked by an interviewer for the source of their courage in battle.  He pointed to the west and said, “That’s my family.”  He pointed to the south and said, “That’s where my commander’s family lives.”  It was such a simple, yet true message.

We have no other Land.


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