This beautiful tune for the prayer in the Yom Kippur service will make your High Holidays more meaningful. Aryeh Kunstler struck gold.
The High Holidays – Yom Kippur Prayer Service
There are many important and beautiful prayers throughout the High Holidays. On Yom Kippur, there is a section about the High Priest and what he looked like when he came out from the Holy of Holies in the Temple on Yom Kippur.
The words are poetic. And when you have a beautiful tune like the one Aryeh Kunstler sings here, you can really connect to the words and the feelings of the holiest day of the year.
It’s amazing what music can do. Tunes and music are a major part of Judaism. There is a reason that the prayer services throughout the year are filled with song. Sometimes, music can inspire someone in a very deep way. We know that from King David and others throughout history. Music is not some random thing that has no meaning in Judaism. Music really has the power to connect us to G-d.
The words in this song are important and powerful. They wouldn’t be part of the Yom Kippur prayer service if they didn’t mean something deep. And this stunning tune really makes you feel this part of the service. If you just close your eyes, you can feel and see the High Priest emerging from the Holy of Holies with the glory of G-d. Maybe this year we will merit to see the coming of the Third Temple and the returning of the service that the Kohanim, the priests, do in the Temple!