Why did the Arabs riot here? Because Israel is working toward having the Cave of the Patriarchs accessible to those who are disabled!
מאות פורעים ערבים משתוללים בסמיכות לקברות אבותינו במערת המכפלה בחברון. עוד לא סיימנו את מה שהתחלנו במלחמת ששת הימים. חובה להכריע את האויב בערינו ובארצנו. pic.twitter.com/ECk015BJhR
— תורת לחימה (@Torat_IDF) August 13, 2021
Arabs Riot at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron
The Cave of the Patriarchs is one of the holiest sites in Judaism. Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah are buried there. And it is absolutely insane that the Arabs riot there, at such a holy site. It is a holy site to Muslims as well! Why did they riot this time? Because they are angry about Israel building an elevator for the handicapped and the elderly to be able to access the holy site.
To get an understanding of how different the Jews and the “Palestinian Arabs” are, listen to what the Palestinian Authority told all the Muslims in Hebron: To go riot on Friday instead of praying in their mosques. The PA said the mosques would be closed!
Jews, on the other hand, always turn to prayer. They never close their synagogues and places of worship to go riot. It’s not a value in Judaism to riot and act in such a barbaric way. And it is most definitely not a value in Judaism to choose to violently protest instead of to pray!
Maybe one day soon the world will see which side really loves peace and which side doesn’t.