Hamas dug tunnels under Israel’s southern border and Hizbullah dug terror tunnels under Israel’s northern border. The intentions could not be any clearer. The goal was one and one thing only – to kill as many Jews as possible.
To all who hoped that somehow there would be a diplomatic solution to Israel’s problems in the North with Hizbullah, the terror tunnels prove conclusively that those ideas were detached from reality. You don’t sit down and “work things out” with people who are plotting to break into your children’s bedrooms, kill your children and burn down your house. You kill the terrorists before they can implement heinous crimes.
The State of Israel now has more than a majority – a super-majority – who view any idea of a diplomatic solution with its Arab terrorist entities on its borders as pure naivete. The reason Hamas was able to break in and build up a terror State on Israel’s south is because Ariel Sharon led Israel down a suicidal path of leaving the area of Gaza to the Arabs to rule over themselves. They indeed ruled over themselves and promptly turned their entity into a terrorist powerhouse with tens of miles of tunnels crisscrossing the entire Gaza Strip.
Hizbullah did the same in Israel’s north. Today, this is all being corrected. But the price is so painful. But Israel has no choice. When it is all over and the dust has settled, Israel will be a larger country with a bright future.